Monday, December 6, 2010

sniff*sniff...Is that spring in the air!?? You know what that means!!

Yes, you heard me...
This season, Dusty got her license, and she has been tearing up the road!
Dusty's purple and red bike was to be the next work in progress at the hangar, but she decided she needed MORE POWER! 1100 is in the works , so she can blaze the way ! I love riding with her, and miss it now that it's December. We are still thinking about shipping them south for the winter, and riding the coast together... I think it will do for us. Keep your fingers crossed that we can!

Iditarod 2010!

It always starts with the Iditarod... as they say,
"Unless you're the lead dog, the view never changes!" Isn't that the truth?

That's why we change to meet the demands of our customers and guests and the adventurous spirit Alaska gives us all. We workedAlaska Backcountry Access, and with the TAP's program this season to put together a pretty fun trip to offer the military spouses that were visiting.

We had three great guests in the plan
e with us!
Lots of fun..lots of snow...and lots of laughs!
Of course those of you that know us, know that fun is not allowed...(yeah, right)

We had an airplane on skis, and a handful of snowmachines...guests rode the trail chasing the dog teams and also flew over head for a birds eye view from the skiplane!

Spent a lot of the first night out on the trail, sitting around the numerous bonfires watching and waiting the racers enter the checkpoints!

Lots of fun for sure...we are doing it again this year, so if your interested to join us for the 2011 Iditarod Dog Sled Race...give a call! we would happy to have you!!

2010 Coming to an end...some spectacular trips and great folks!

December finds 2010 coming to an end...sad to see this year go, as there was lots a great times and memories... but glad to as the lows were trying at best sometimes!
We are looking for a great New Year, and a fantastic season! Lots of changes, trips to offer... new faces... new office..etc..etc..
I will try to post all the changes as they come, I promise I'll try.
First though, let's ;ooh back at the season past.