It is truly beautiful here!
I flew to Cartegena to meet an old friend , visit with him and talk about some wonderful up coming business that Alaska Bush Safari Co. has an opportunity to partake in.
He seems excited too....
Both of us will leave tomorrow (Monday), to sail the Carribean stopping along the way in the San Blas of Panama on little remote island beaches to explore and snorkel, ...etc....
The area here is absolutely beautiful....this is just a small sample of what we are seeing, and this being the first for both of us to Cartegena!
The city is the heart of the old 'Spanish Main' with tales of Pirates...plunder...huge sea battles.

The city is surrounded by an old fort with walls completely surrounding the 'Old City'. It was impenetrable...as to why the city is still standing today.
The people are friendly , but English is truly a barrier! I always believe that we are visitors THERE and should take the time to learn as much as we can of the culture, language and customs of the local area.....maybe that is why I get along wherever I go! My Spanish does get better and better everyday! Thank God!

We have had wonderful food...company...and history! We were even' escorted' around by the local Policia! I asked for a architect to make large copies of a nautical chart....we got to talking...and the next thing you know...two of them are walking all over with me showing me the sights and helping me look for an architect! We took advantage to learn from each other differences in out countries, states and the language. Truly something I will never forget!
I will post more the next time I have internet access...most likely Colon Panama. As that will be a stopping point for us to enter the Panama Canal!
Keep checking back as we update our trip!